NordBioMed is a collaborative network between the universities of Bergen, Southern Denmark, Eastern Finland, Turku and Karolinska Institutet. It supports both student and teacher mobility, organises intensive special courses and it develops a virtual teaching and information platform, NordBioMed Moodle.
OERCompBiomed delivers five intellectual outputs in the form of three OERs/courses (Biomedical Ethics, Translational Digital Pathology and Introduction to Computational Biomedicine and Machine Learning), and in the form of an intensive course (Summer School in Computational Biomedicine) with blended learning and virtual and physical mobility between the partner institutions. Learning analytics evaluates the design, implementations and evaluation of these activities.
Using OERs and web-based courses changes teaching, learning and assessment.
The virtual summer school supports both virtual and physical mobility between the partner institutions. A blended learning environment is created for an array of learning activities as well as blended group work (face to face and virtual). It gives the students the opportunity to apply and combine knowledge they acquired online and in their respective home universities.
The courses will attract different groups of students and professionals both regionally and on a global Within the participating academic institutions alone, the OERs are relevant for 250-300 students each year, and will be mandatory for subgroups of these students.
From a European and global perspective, 2000 participants annually are envisaged. In addition to this, the OERs will attract professionals from various health care disciplines and from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.